Oct 15, 2008

Mother 3 Fan Translation Coming this Week

To any one who has ever read more than one post on this site, it is probably abundantly clear that I love EarthBound, as I have probably mentioned it in at least half of my articles. It is easily one of my all time favorite games! 

After nearly ten years without a sequel and nearly crying over the cancellation of EarthBound 64, in 2006 Nintendo finally released Mother 3 in Japan. Unfortunately it turns out that Nintendo hates there English speaking customers. All EarthBound fans kept holding our breath waiting for the US release date until we were looking like the citizens of Happy Happy Village (very blue). And finally after a few years of waiting & many petitions and angry letters later Nintendo at least had the decency to finally say there are no plans to translate it to English. As sad as that was something very good came of it. Some very dedicated fans over at Starmen.net decided it was time to take matters in to there own hands and translate it themselves.

Now after a lot of very difficult waiting by us, and hard work by the guys over at mother3.fobby.net, Mother 3 (Aka: EarthBound 2) is almost hear! It was announced a few days ago that the English patch will be released at the end of this week!

So now the only task that's left, is for all EarthBound fans every where. Is to pray very very hard that Nintendo does not decide to once again show there hatred towards EarthBound fans, by pulling the plug on the project at the last minute.

1 comment:

  1. Mother 3 is fantastic, I've been enjoying it for a week now. Tomato and Jeffman did a fantastic job of localizing it, especially with the references to popular culture.
