Jun 23, 2008

Return of the Nintentoad: When Tech Attacks

About a year ago while surfing the net, I stumbled across a program called Windows Live Writer. When I was downloading it I was somehow clueless enough to think it was just a word processor like Microsoft Word. After installing it I realized my mistake but decided to mess with it any way. So I started what later became Nintentoad.com.

But apparently I broke a lot of mirrors as a child because my luck really sucks. Just when I was starting to get some real traffic WLW stopped working with my blog. But I was so spoiled by it, that I could not blog without it.

I contacted Microsoft and Blogger about it many times, but nobody had a clue what was wrong. Now half a year later it has magically started working again. So as long as it continues to work I am back.

As there is so very much glorious Nintendo news all the time. I have decided to not bother trying to cover any of the stuff that happened while I was gone. So enough about me onwards with the uber awesome that is Nintendo. May Windows Live Writer Live Long and Prosper (but mostly just keep working).

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