Feb 26, 2008

I am still alive?!

Wait, I'm not dead? Maybe I am a zombie! Hmmmm, no I do not feel any desire to eat your brains. Ok so if I am alive then what possible excuse could I have for not posting since November 2007?

Well I have many excuses so there. My main reason is that I can not seem to get any WYSIWYG editor to work with blogger. Back when I started this site I used WLW (Windows Live Writer) and it worked great and all was well with the world. But then it stopped working and I have been unable to fix it, or find an acceptable replacement. What I am currently using is the terrible default editor on blogger.com (I really really hate it).

So until the happy day comes that either blogger.com offers a better way of publishing to my site. Or Microsoft gets there act together and stops telling me they will fix my WLW trouble, only to never respond again after my multiple attempts of contacting them (in angry voice). Then sadly Nintentoad.com is pretty much dead (for now).

At some point soon I do intend on making a few updates to some older articles that are no longer accurate. But other than that your guess is as good as mine on what the future of this website is.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, I'd just like to comment on your inablility to blog. I totally agree with your complaint regarding the builtin app by Google on Blogger.com, it's junk.
    But I would like to tell you about an extention for Firefox (assuming you use that browser) known as ScribeFire (formally Performancing for Firefox) which is a blogging utility for firefox which is WYSIWYG.
    I recently dropped ScribeFire for the Windows Live Writer, because it is a far superior program, but if you're having issues with WLW (I would recomend attempting to fix the program first) then try to use ScribeFire.

    Hope I was of some help

    - Dave
