Oct 10, 2007

Animation Greatness Part 2

It has been a few days since my last update for two simple reasons, Halo 3 & The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. I have been playing Halo 3 like somebody was holding a gun to my head saying beat it or die. So just to appease the imaginary gun I have now beaten it twice; Plus I have also slowed down on playing Phantom Hourglass so I finally have some free time to update the site. And for my first post two more great animations that you should watch immediately.


Unless you were a kid in the 80's you have probably never heard of Robotech. It is one of the earliest anime's to hit the states back in the year 1985. This series while it may be old is still one of the best anime's out there; No mater your age, or even if you hate anime this is a must see. The animation, dialogue and voice acting is all very corny, but the story and complex characters will keep you wanting more.

The setting is suppose to be the future, in the year 2009 (of course 2009 was the future in 1985). There is a massive World war between all nations. But one day a giant ship crash lands on the small island of Macross. When humans realize that they are not alone in the universe, they unite in a joint effort to rebuild this giant ship. Skip forward a few years and now a city full of people have built up around the ship that is now about to go for its first test flight. But big surprise aliens attack. So they take the ship and try to run. But instead the ship and the hole island get transported to the other end of the galaxy. So now the aliens follow them and are still attacking, the ship has a hole city in it, and they have a one year journey to get back home.

I could wright another four pages about the story but instead I will just say it is very long, complex and fantastic. Robotech is made up of three main sagas, 1 movie (soon to be 2) and an OVA series which are listed below. But it is also worth mentioning that there are several books & games based on it.

  1. The Macross Saga
  2. The Masters Saga
  3. New Generation
  4. Macross Plus
  5. The Shadow Chronicles
  6. Shadow Rising (Expected Release in 2009)

Sadly the The Masters Saga sucks pretty badly, and the Macross Plus OVA is also not great. But both The Macross Saga and New Generation are fantastic.

The Shadow Chronicles is a new Movie that was released earlier this year. It is suppose to be very good but unfortunately I have still not had a chance to watch it. Shadow Rising is another new Robotech movie following the events of The Shadow Chronicles that is expected to be released sometime in 2009.

If you have any sense at all you will take my advice and go watch/read every thing you can find with the word Robotech on it immediately (yes I mean now)...(stop reading this and go buy The Macross saga now).


Avatar: The Last Airbender

I know that Avatar receives a lot of criticism, but despite all the haters out there, this show is very good. Avatar is definitely not the most original cartoon on earth but it still makes for a very entertaining watch.

Normally I would not have included such a mainstream show in this post, but a new season of Avatar just started a few weeks ago so I thought I would remind folk that this show is not nearly as sucky as people say.

Basically there are 4 nations and each nation has its own element, water, fire, air, and earth. The Fire nation decided that they are better than all of the others so they try to take over all of them. But a boy named Aang is trying to stop the Fire nation before the war gets out of hand. The reason it is his responsibility is because he is the Avatar.

The Avatar is a power that one individual from a different nation every generation is born with. The power he has is the ability to control all of the elements rather than just one. Normally the avatar would receive years of training but before he could be trained his tribe was destroyed and he went in to a trance for 100 years.

Avatar: The Last Airbender has a pretty good story, nice visuals, top notch voice actors (for the most part) and some very interesting characters. But like most things it definitely has some flaws. First of all some episodes have a tendency to feel very dumbed down for a younger audience. Also it can sometimes get very chatty, and you wonder if they are ever going to do anything other than stand around yapping. But my biggest complaint is that there is a very clear difference between the good episodes and the filler episodes and far to many of them are the latter.

But even with its problems I put it in this list for a reason and that is because it's a better cartoon than most.

If you want to see the first part of this post it can be found here: Animation Greatness Part 1

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