Feb 28, 2007

The Console Wars (The Cocky one)

As my very first topic I would like to write about the current war being waged between the three monster corporation’s Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. And so it begins…

Sony (Aka: the cocky one) - Sony was once-upon a time my company of choice. With the Ps1 & Ps2’s wining combo of having a huge selection of both exclusive and multi-platform games and an affordable price mark for both there hardware and software.

The Ps2 is still home to some of the finest games around, just to name a few there is Final Fantasy X & XII, Ico, God of War 1 & 2, Bully and that doesn't even begin to scratch the suffice! But sadly having so many great games and the best selling consoles on the market for quite a few years has made Sony cocky. Thinking that the consumer would now buy any system that says Sony on it no mater what the price is without even looking at the competition appears to be a severe error in judgement.

Fortunately for Sony they do still have a few aces up there sleeve. As all gamers know the hardware is very important but in the end no matter how good it is the games are why we choose a console and at the moment many of Sony's aces such as Metal-Gear Solid 4 and the Final Fantasy franchise are at risk of appearing on competing systems.

And so to bring my ranting about Sony to a close I leave you with this question. Will you pay $600 for a console that may have almost no exclusive games?

1 comment:

  1. Hey nintoad, this is a great site, im kkslslider and I to am a nintendo fanboy, come and visit my site im gonna add your site on my links section so please do the same for me (us fanboys need to stick together)

