At the Smash Bros. Dojo Nintendo released some new info about SSB Brawls story but who cares are we really playing Smash Bros. for it's story? The real news is that R.O.B. the Robot is going to play a part in the story. The bad guys (which you can read more about here:Smash Bros. Dojo!) are using R.O.B. as a detonation device to activate a Subspace Bomb. It appears that the R.O.B. units do not survive the detonation (poor mindless robot). As of of right now Nintendo has not said whether or not R.O.B. will be a playable character but I think it's a definite possibility.
For those who don't know who R.O.B. is he was a robot toy that was packaged in with the NES in 1985. He could be controlled with the NES controller and you could move his arms up and down or closer together to pick up stuff. When he was placed in front of the TV he could received commands from optical flashes that were present in the game Gyromite. He did not really do much but now R.O.B. is just a neat collectible for Nintendo fans, and a welcome character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
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